Helpful Practices and Tips
When not in use, flammable gases should not be stored directly beside oxygen with a fire Wall or 6m separation.
Inside of buildings, cylinders shall be stored in a well-protected and ventilated dry location, at least 20 feet (6 m) from combustible materials.
Cylinder cages can prevent theft and untrained personnel from handling the product. They also:
- Provide proper ventilation of gases
- Are lockable, heavy duty and are available in various sizes for construction sites and yards
Cylinder Racks secure cylinders and should have 2 safety chains, nylon straps, or ratchet straps (Best Choice). They:
- Can be wall mounted for additional safety.
- Are available in various sizes and configurations
Use Cylinder Carts for ground transport
- Make Sure Proper Signage is clearly displayed
- Signs should be visible prior to entering area as well with PPE
Cylinders caps should be used when cylinder is not in use.
- Protects valves
- Ask us about ALTOP, Smart Top and Valve Protection options they're ready to use, Quick On/Off, Fully protected valve and regulating device
Always use the proper PPE
Always refer to Suppliers S.D.S. (Safety Data Sheets) for information.